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Chandler McKnight

Which Ruth Ware Book is the Best?

Ruth Ware is one of those authors where nothing is ever what it seems. I fell in love with Ruth Ware in my twenties, and here I am in my thirties still going strong. I have read all that Ruth Ware has to offer and am super excited to read her next book coming out this summer, Zero Days.

Ruth Ware’s first book, In a Dark, Dark Wood, was published in 2015. Since then, she has been publishing thrillers every year (with the exception of 2021). In 2020, she published both a short story, Snowflakes and a book, One by One. Snowflakes is only available on eBook and audio and you are able to access it through Amazon Prime. But which Ruth Ware book is best? Below are my ratings compared to Goodreads!

Which Ruth Ware Book is Best?
Ruth Ware Books

In a Dark, Dark Wood

My Rating: 3.5

Good Reads Rating: 3.72

Summary- When Lenora receives an invitation to a bachelorette trip for a friend she has not spoken to in years, she does not know what to do. After much consideration, she decides to go on the long weekend getaway for the remote location. After over 24 hours there, she discovers she was never really invited and nothing is what it seem.

The Death of Mrs. Westaway

My Rating: 4

Good Reads Rating: 3.82

Summary: Hal is working as a fortune teller just barely making it. She then received a letter that she is to inherit a great deal of money from a recently deceased relative. She knows that this is a mistake since she has no other relatives, but decides to head to the estate for the will reading. She is shocked when looking at a photo she found at the estate, only to see her mom in the photo looking back at her.

The Lying Game

My Rating: 4

Good Reads Rating:3.54

Summary: The Lying Game is the first Ruth Ware book I read. Four best friends all attend a boarding school, and have one rule: do not lie to each other. They often get into trouble and are constantly covering for one another. When a body washes up one day, the foursome are the first questioned. Decades later, they get a text telling them they need to return to where it all started. Unfortunately, during this reunion, they will discover someone broke their number one rule.

The It Girl

My Rating: 4

Good Reads Rating:3.89

Summary: The It Girl is Ruth Ware’s most recent book and was published in 2022. Told from two different timelines, flashing back and forth between the present and a decade ago. A decade ago, Hannah identified her best friend's killer, and assisted in sending him to jail for the rest of his life. In the present, she receives word that he has passed away. With this recent event, reporters are looking into the murder for which the murderer was accused and Hannah has a hard time moving on. Hannah goes down a rabbit hole to find out if she condemned the right man, or if she made a huge mistake and her best friend's killer is still walking around free.

One by One

My Rating: 4.5

Good Reads Rating: 3.73

Summary: A company goes to a ski resort in the Alps for a long team-building weekend. An avalanche disrupts the weekend, leaving the cabin powerless and one of the skiers missing. That is not their biggest problem, however, once another co-worker is found dead in their room. Without power, they are unable to get help for who knows how long and have no idea who amongst them is the killer.

The Turn of the Key

My Rating: 4.5

Good Reads Rating: 3.93

Summary: When Rowan Caine sees an ad for a live-in home nanny, she applies and fudges her resume just a tad. The family she is interviewing with has had a hard time keeping a nanny and are thrilled with Rowan’s interview and give her the job. When Rowan begins, she is excited to learn all about her new temporary “smart home” and how to work it. The children’s parents leave the day of Rowan’s arrival, so she is thrown completely in the deep end still learning how to navigate her new responsibilities. But strange things start to happen, weird sounds in the middle of the night, random flowers showing up in the home. Rowan begins to realize something is off and refuses to believe

The Woman in Cabin 10

My Rating: 5

Good Reads Rating: 3.74

Summary: The Woman in Cabin 10 is about a journalist, Lo Blacklock, who has the opportunity of a lifetime. She is going to go on a luxury cruise on an assignment for the travel magazine she works for. When she is asleep one evening, she is woken by a scream, and she knows someone has gone overboard. The following morning, none of the passengers or crew are missing. The other passengers start to think maybe Lo has been drinking too much, or that maybe she is just crazy. But Lo is a journalist determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, she knows what she heard. Even if everyone else does not believe her.

Which Ruth Ware Book is Best?
Ruth Ware Collection

While I love all Ruth Ware books, The Woman in Cabin 10, The Turn of the Key and One by One are my favorites so far. I can’t wait to read Zero Days, which comes out this Summer!

Other authors to read if you enjoy Ruth Ware are Lisa Jewel, Lucy Foley and Jennifer Hillier!

If you are looking for Ruth Ware books, I often find her older books at thrift stores and on Thriftbooks and Pango for a good price! Also check out your local library, they are sure to have them!

What is your favorite Thriller author?


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