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Chandler McKnight

The Wall of Winnipeg and Me Review

The Wall of Winnipeg and Me was my gateway book into the world of Mariana Zapata. This book has it all: grumpy / sunshine, slow burn, sports romance, and fake marriage. It is the perfect combo of some of my favorite tropes!

Thank you, Partner @bibliolifestyle @avonbooks for sending me a new copy of The Wall of Winnipeg and Me

The Wall of Winnipeg and Me
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me


Vanessa has been working for Aiden as his assistant for two years. During this time, she has yet to receive a thank you or an ounce of gratitude. After overhearing Aiden’s agent trash talking her one day, she decides she has had enough. She quits on the spot. Vanessa’s dream job has always been a graphic designer, but her finances have never allowed her to pursue this. She decides to see how long she can make it off her savings while going for her dreams.

The last thing Vanessa expects is for Aiden to show up on her doorstep one evening. He is about to lose his citizenship, and if that happens will have to move back to Canada. This means he would be unable to continue playing football for the Dallas team. As a loophole, Aiden asks Vanessa to marry him. In exchange, he will pay off her student loans, as well as take care of all living expenses for five years. After five years, he will sign the divorce papers so she can go on her way.

Vanessa doesn’t make it easy on him, but eventually gives in. She makes sure he knows she will not be his “assistant,” but his “fake wife”. She is not in charge of his breakfasts, meetings, or anything else that falls into the “business” category.

But as the days pass, they start to grow closer, and a lot can happen in five years.


I loved The Wall of Winnipeg and Me. I have recommended it to everyone I know who enjoys romance novels. While it is a rather long book, it still felt like it moved quickly. The burn was a slow one, and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time waiting to see what would happen next.

Aiden’s grumpiness was the perfect balance to Vanessa’s sunshine. I really loved AIden’s character. He felt like an onion up front, so I was excited to peel back all of his layers throughout the novel. His growth in terms of warmth towards Vanessa had me swooning. Vanessa was such a fun and likable character. She did not take any nonsense when she went back to help Aiden, but still had such a big heart.

The parts where Aiden showed up for Vanessa, no matter how big or small the act, was what made it difficult for me to put this book down. I kept wanting to know what was going to happen next. It also had the “don’t mess with my wife” vibes that I love.

While I have read other books by Mariana Zapata, this has been my favorite so far, with From Lukov With Love and Kulti coming in as second and third.

Read if you like:

-Fake marriage /Marriage of convenience

-Grumpy/ Sunshine

-slow burn

-sports romance

Make sure to check out The Wall of Winnipeg and Me and let me know what you think!

What is your favorite Sports Romance?

Thank you Lindsey for your help with editing!

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Erin Bates
Erin Bates
Aug 08, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Can't wait to read it!

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