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Chandler McKnight

The Boyfriend Candidate by Ashley Winstead Review

When I saw that author Ashley Winstead was coming out with a new book I was super excited! I love when writers are able to write different genres. I read her thriller, In My Dreams I Hold a Knife, and so I was intrigued to see what a romance would look like from her. This is not her first romance, just the first that I have had the opportunity to read.

Ashley Winstead Author
The Boyfriend Candidate


One night Alexis goes out looking for her first one night stand, in hopes to spice up her life a bit. She meets Logan, and they end up in an intense make out session as they are walking up to a room in the hotel. But before anything can happen, the fire alarm goes off and they run downstairs, trying to get out of the building as fast as they can. When Alexis trips, Logan picks her up and carries her down the stairs and outside. Clearly chivalry is not dead, but when he's sitting with her while she gets checked out by the paramedics, he ends up running away after being spooked by some paparazzi.

The next day the photo surfaces, and Logan is revealed to be a Democrat running for governor of Texas. Even though Alexis gave him a fake name, he is still able to track her down. His political team doesn't want him to have the image of a playboy, so Alexis agrees to pretend to date him through the election. In exchange, Logan agrees to help Alexis rally for more money for teachers and librarians. Together they make waves for a brighter future for the education system.

But Alexis is concerned her feelings for Logan are real, and that it is truly only an act for him. She tries to separate real life from pretend, but all arrows still point back to Logan.


I absolutely loved Alexis's personality. She was quirky, fun and had me smiling from ear to ear. Her character growth throughout the book went from being timid to confident and knowing what she wanted. I also adored Logan. He was such a kind human and although he had his faults, he cared so deeply. There truly wasn't a character I disliked, except when we briefly encountered Alexis' ex-boyfriend.

One thing I wish we had had throughout the story was Logan's point of view. Although Ashley Winstead did a great job of giving hints to what Logan was feeling, I would have loved to have been in his head getting his play-by-play. It did seem like Logan wore his feelings on his sleeve, so at times I felt frustrated with Alexis for not seeing them. I am not sure I would quite call it a miscommunication, but more of a lack of communication between the two of them.

I can’t wait to read more books by Ashley Winstead! I have enjoyed both books so far, and am adding all of her others to my TBR!

Title: The Boyfriend Candidate

Author: Ashley Winstead

Genre📖: Contemporary Romance

Star Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5

Read if you enjoy: Jacqueline Firkins, Helena Hunting, Lynn Painter

Tropes: Enemies to lovers

Pub Date: 5/9/2023


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