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Chandler McKnight

Happily Never After by Lynn Painter Review

Happily Never After by Lynn Painter comes out March 12, 2024. My favorite thing about this novel was how unique it is. It has many of my favorite tropes while also adding the “objector” component that felt new and fresh! 

Happily Never After by Lynn Painter
Happily Never After by Lynn Painter


As Sophie Steinbeck stands at the front of the altar about to say “I do,” all she can think about is the “objector” that is hopefully sitting in the congregation. She was unable to call the wedding off herself, but that did not stop her best friend from hiring someone to make sure that it didn’t happen. 

Six months later, Sophie is happily not married and going through life one day at a time. She has gotten a makeover, on her way to a job promotion, and acquired two new senior citizen roommates to help her make rent on her ex-fiance’s apartment. 

The last thing she expects is for Max Park to r offer her an opportunity to make a couple thousand dollars being an “objector.” Sophie agrees and discovers working as a team with Max has multiple benefits. His friendship becomes a key component in her life, and she also realizes everyone assumes they are dating. This is mutually beneficial for them both. His parents are off his back about finding someone and her boss sees that she is finally moving on. 

But with both Sophie and Max against love, what can go wrong if they end up sharing an occasional kiss? Or if that kiss leads to more? 

A lot. A lot can go wrong. 


Happily Never After by Lynn Painter is such a fun, cute and easy read. The banter and chemistry between Sophie and Max pops off the page. I found myself constantly smiling and laughing out loud several times throughout the book. The friendship that develops feels genuine, so that the “friends to lovers” trope folds perfectly in. 

Both Sophie and Max are extremely likable characters. Sophie is a strong female character who thrives in her career and isn't afraid to say what is on her mind. Max is full of compassion for Sophie, his family and everyone he encounters. Other characters that I adored were Sophie’s roommates, Rose and Larry. Larry is the grandpa we all wish we had. 

If you are looking for a quick read that leaves you feeling all bubbly inside, this is the book for you. Overall this book has a little bit of everything: friends to lovers, he falls first, and a little fake dating sprinkled in. The short chapters give you the “one more chapter feel” only to find yourself finishing way faster than you thought. I highly recommend adding it to your TBR this spring and pre-ordering so you can have a copy of your very own. 

This was only my second Lynn Painter book, the first being Mr. Wrong Number, and it just reminded me I need to do a binge read of all of her novels. 

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for the opportunity to dive into this fun story. 

You can get your copy of Happily Never After by Lynn Painter Here!

Read if you love:

-He falls first

-Friends to lovers

-Fake dating

-Wedding crashers 



Rated 0 out of 5 stars.
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